Influencing Consumer with Quality Standards
I am unaware of the criteria for awarding a “Blue Flag” to a beach or a “5 star Food Hygiene” rating to a restaurant, but these symbols give me confidence that my expectations will be met and that, as a result, I will appreciate the experience/venue/product. No one wants to have to thoroughly inspect the kitchen facilities themselves before dining out, but it is reassuring that someone knowledgeable has.
It’s simply not feasible to meet every potential customer and invite them to see your operations with their own eyes. For this reason, there have to be alternative ways to earn their trust. If you want to boost the reputation of your company and attract new customers, one highly recognised approach is to earn an ISO Quality Standard. While this is true for all customers, it is especially true for those in the Business-to-Business area of operation – not least as most in this group recognise the ISO Quality Standard already.
How ISO Certification Influences Consumer Choice
ISO Certification is industry’s Blue Flag concept. It’s worth investing in an ISO Quality System because it:
- Provides Quality Assurance – As a globally recognised mark of quality, ISO certification provides reassurance in business procedures. It is a stamp of approval that certified companies are working at quality levels that have “passed” globally accepted rules and that have been deemed appropriate by a global consensus. This will naturally attract more customers.
- Gives You The Competitive Edge – When your company can proudly display its ISO Certification, it gives you the competitive edge against those that do not have it. Potential clients will see your organisation as one willing to invest in quality and commit to expected standards of delivery. The longer you hold such a standard, the more kudos applies and the better the potential returns.
- Gains Market Access – ISO Certification will enable your company to access new markets – specifically those that require such systems as an industry or tender entry requirement. It will support tender applications, acceptance as a trusted supplier for commissioning and the opportunity to diversify into new industries. Even when ISO certification is not a requirement, having one can drastically reduce time filling in tenders as they are often shortcuts to demonstrating competence without having to give chapter and verse details.
- Removes Barriers to International Trade – Looking to the future, there is already and will be a growing need to seek out new markets for UK goods and services. When it comes to international trade, every country is governed by varying rules and regulations. It can be difficult to establish if products and services will match your criteria, however, as a global standard, ISO Certification is recognised and accepted around the world. Note that just because you do not trade abroad, this still applies equally to foreign companies already in the UK doing business here – they recognise ISO standards and use them to help them to determine who they want to trade with.
- Satisfies Industry Requirements – There are many industries where ISO Certification is essential in order to comply with regulatory requirements – and where not having one is, at best, a major inconvenience and at worst a complete block to doing business in that sector.
- Manages Risk – ISO Certification can convince stakeholders and potential investors that you are operating efficiently and making best use out of every resource. Efficient processes are scalable and therefore offer growth potential. With such reassurances in place, your company is an attractive proposition both as an investment and as a guaranteed supplier.
- Demonstrating Durability – Operating to an ISO Quality Standard will ensure that you are aware of and address the risks facing your operations – so customers and suppliers, staff and investors all know that you will be around a long time and grow accordingly.
- Banks’ Appreciation – the more you can demonstrate that you know what is going on in your business, the better your future plans, the more demonstrably aware you are about each aspect of what impacts you – all these factors impress bankers. When getting loans from banks or other institutions, this will help you prove your operation deserves a lower rate as you are a competently run operation.
This list certainly makes a number of convincing cases for ISO Certification. If your company is keen to reap the rewards, it’s time to get the ball rolling with an initial review. Our Qualitators will provide an objective, expert perspective on your business practices.
Their aim is to highlight good practice, whilst giving practical feedback on areas where improvements can be made. These improvements can be planned to develop to your timescale and fit your cashflow so that you will reach your World Class potential.
It all starts with a phone call, so get in touch today on 0345 600 6975.