A Smart ISO Enhance Maintenance System
There are over 1.5 million organisations holding the top 9 ISO standards, making ISO the leading certification held by businesses around the world. ISO Standards impose globally accepted best practice to all aspects of operations and can be infinitely adapted to fit each organisation to enable a best fit. The key ISO standard is ISO 9001:2015 Quality.
How Smart ISO enhances business operation?
- Increases the return from the assets (financial + productivity returns) • Increases the quality of the return • Increases the longevity of the return
- Retains the value of assets making the return
- Develops an expanding pool of talent to pass on these techniques to new organisations or expand an existing organisation
- Enhance financial returns or reduces financial outlay, ensuring optimisation of Government Spending
Do ISO Standards work?
Whoever is asked – the result is the same. YES they do! There are a multitude of different research / pilot studies and real-‐life installations of the standards and all organisations that have implemented and ISO standard agree that the closer organisations stick to the standards, the better the results!
Why do ISO Standards work and when should they be used?
ISO Standards reduce waste, increase staff competencies, improve quality, improve timing, reduce resource use; reduce customer and staff turnover, increase profits, growth of operations, enhanced brand and business value.
An ISO Standard should be used:
- if an organisation lacks control due to expansion, merger, loss of key staff, change of focus or alteration of budgets
- if an organisation needs access to key industry sectors that demand ISO before entry
- if an organisation wishes to apply for tenders/to operate in an industry sector where holding ISO standards is a requirement for the application or sector
- or, simply, if the organisation wants to improve on its activities for its own benefits
So, How does this apply to Smart Maintenance?
An on-going regular review of activities will ensure a longer life, with higher quality output and reduced on-going costs:
- Cheap repairs => frequent repairs
- Efficient repairs => occasional repairs
- Cheap calibration => variable results (useless)
- Efficient calibration => consistent results
- Cheap training is the same as being ‘untrained’
- Efficient training is the same as saying ‘trained’ If these activities can be carried out automatically (or at least triggered automatically) then this is effectively a Smart system
How do we take advantage?
- Every action and procedure requires steps – often to be completed in a given order and the results logged, passed to the next level for approval or to the next colleague for further action
- Every meeting, logged comment or complaint, audit, board decision and corporate goal feeds into the next iteration of the ISO systems
- All changes to the organisation (staff diagrams, site plans, storage locations, new departments, closed areas etc.) have impacts on the way the ISO procedures work
- All of these areas, can be incorporated into a Smart system
Examples specific for Maintenance Issues
Any normal Smart System
- As logged time on each machine accumulates, the Smart system alerts the maintenance department when the machine is due for scheduled maintenance.
- As scheduled maintenance takes place, the process uses components and materials and the Smart system can track this against stores and order more as threshold levels reached.
Additional to ISO Systems Smart
- Smart systems monitor quality test results against maintenance levels and the resultant plot allows improvements to maintenance schedules, better machinery purchasing information and improved training to reduce machine wear and thus reduce maintenance needs.
- Additionally logs of feedback from customers, stakeholders, management, suppliers and auditors/assessors are maintained within the Smart system so as to be retrievable when updates to the system are made so as to incorporate all points raised and speed up iterative improvements process.
- Cutting waste, resource use, personnel required and downtime.
- Staff members can see their own training completed, what is due, what is overdue and Human Resources can set the Smart system to track this so that they are alerted if a staff member does not complete training or is not satisfactory.
- Diary entries for all relevant invited personnel are generated automatically by a Smart system along with a sign up and chaser email to ensure attendance.
- Documents (procedures, specifications, designs, advertising etc.) are processed through the Smart system so that only appropriate personnel can make changes, others can comment but not make changes and others are informed once complete.
Interested in finding out more about ISO Smart System? Contact us: Tel: 0345 600 6975 or email: carl.kruger@oxfordqualitycentre.co.uk